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eFlow Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions – Summary of Main Changes

by eFlow


The eFlow terms and conditions have been updated, no action is required by customers. Please disregard any messages prompting you to accept new terms and conditions, these are fraudulent scam messages. The genuine updates require no action on your part.

The eFlow Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions (along with the account application form) sets out the agreement between customers and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (“TII”) in relation to the opening and operation of accounts with eFlow.  An account may be a video tolling account or a tag tolling account.   

In the case of a tag tolling account, the terms and conditions also deal with the issue of your tag as well as your responsibility for correctly mounting the tag in your vehicle.     

The purpose of this document is to set out a summary of the main amendments which TII has made to the eFlow Terms and Conditions.  For full details, please see the latest eFlow Terms and Conditions which are available at eFlow.ie.   

Clause 20 of the eFlow Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions allows TII to amend the terms and conditions.  The amendments come into force and are effective on the earlier of (i) 14 days after notification of the changes to you or (ii) when you have a toll transaction on the M50.   

Main Amendments

  1. General – We have made some clarificatory amendments to the eFlow Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions which are designed to make the terms and conditions clearer and to remove any provisions which are no longer relevant.  We have also made amendments which are designed to give customers more options (e.g. allowing you to register additional vehicles on your account).
  2. Section A (Notification of Amendments) – We have amended the second paragraph in section A to allow amendments to be notified, not only by post or email, but also by a push notification on the M50 Toll Pay App.
  3. Section A (Information on the National Vehicle and Driver File – NVDF) – We have included provisions to clarify, for the avoidance of doubt, that you are responsible for providing up to date customer information to the NVDF, e.g. where there is a change of ownership of a vehicle.
  4. Section B (Registration of Additional Vehicles on your Account) – We have included new provisions in section B.2 which are designed to allow customers to register additional vehicles on their eFlow account, e.g. the vehicles of family members.  If you register additional vehicles on your account, you will be responsible for the payment of Tolls and any service charges which relate to them whether or not you are the owner of such vehicles.
  5. Registered Vehicle Treated as Unregistered Vehicle (Clauses 5.5, 8 and 9 etc.) – We have included provisions which are designed to clarify the circumstances where a registered vehicle is treated as an unregistered vehicle for the purposes of toll payments. In the case of a pre-pay account this arises where a rejected payment occurs and the balance on your account is less than one applicable Toll. In the case of a post-pay account, this arises where a rejected payment occurs and your account has been suspended in accordance with clause 9(d)(ii) .  If a vehicle is treated as an unregistered vehicle, you will be liable for the charges which apply to unregistered vehicles and will need to pay for your tolls as if you do not have any registered account with eFlow.
  6. Pre-Pay Account (Clause 8) – We have included provisions to clarify (i) the minimum balance required for a pre-pay account (€12) and (ii) the amount by which a pre-pay account will automatically be topped up (€30) when the amount in a pre-pay account falls below the minimum balance. 
  7. Notices (Clause 29) – We have amended clause 29 to allow notices under the eFlow Agreement Terms and Conditions to be sent by any of the following means: posting, email, SMS, fax, telephone, web chat or (in the case of TII) by push notification on the M50 Toll Pay App. 
4 Mar, 2024